2019 Winter Newsletter

A Message From The Executive Director


Happy 2019!

With each new year, we hear new buzz words and phrases.  Some are brand new and others are carryovers from the previous year.  The ones I’m hearing repeated in our field these days include:

The Amazon Effect                          Social Connectedness                    Xennial                 
                   Single Payer                                                   
Blockchain                         Wearables                   Telehealth                        Financial Wellness                   Transparency

And… Disruption

Today, I’m focusing on disruption because it resonates in the employee benefits field. There’s disruption from the opioid crisis, health care and prescription drug price increases, mergers and acquisitions, technological advancements, new legislation and regulations …

So, is all disruption bad?  It doesn’t have to be.  Those who “benefit” from disruption will plan for, leverage, navigate through and actually embrace disruption!

Our 2019 Annual Employee Benefits Summit and Trade Show is all about disruption – the positive and the negative – and how to recognize, learn from, communicate, leverage and embrace disruption!

The Power of Disruption in Benefits — 
Lessons Learned from Providers, CHROs & Employer
May 23, 2019
Marriott Hotel | Newton, MA

Our keynote speaker, Dr. Martin Makary, is a New York Times Bestselling Author, and Johns Hopkins Surgeon and Professor of Health Policy.  Dr. Makary will share stories of health care's disruptive innovators, the new movement to restore medicine to its mission, and the bold steps they are taking.  He will also lead a discussion of primary care experts who will help us understand the key role that primary care providers play.  

As you read this newsletter, you'll find more examples of disruption in benefits and how organizations are moving forward.

I hope to see you at the Summit and Trade Show on May 23rd.  In the meantime, find the power in disruption!

Best Regards,


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Patty Houpt
Executive Director



Register Now! Early Bird Pricing Ends 3/23/19




Swinging For Scholarships Golf Day
Framingham Country Club | Framingham, MA
July 30, 2019