Professional Development Basics In addition to the perennially popular Health and Welfare Basics and Retirement Basics, we are offering three new day-long Basics options:
Intended Audience: All levels of benefits-industry professionals will profit from the broad foundational content offered in NEEBC's Basics, while particularly valuable for those earlier-in-career or expanding disciplines.
Professional Development: Beyond the Basics For those seeking professional development beyond the basics, we are offering new intermediate-level content:
Intended Audience: Benefits-industry professionals with some experience will gain deeper content expertise offered in NEEBC's Beyond the Basics curriculum. Trending topics and case studies will influence discussions.
Continuing Education for Practitioners
Intended Audience: All levels of benefits-industry professionals. By making NEEBC your professional development partner, you will make connections with and learn from "faculty" who are seasoned, content matter experts and active members of our association's community - employers, consultants, brokers, and advisors - deeply committed to our mission. Full Day Classes Half Day Classes For 2022, NEEBC is responding to feedback to offer programs both in person and virtually.
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